Working since 2010, Mann International Ministries (MIM), has been reaching into Jewish communities internationally in tangible ways. MIM works independently as well as cooperates with and assists both Jewish and non-Jewish organizations bringing humanitarian aid to Holocaust survivors, single mothers, children, and the poor/elderly. MIM has worked in Israel, Turkey, Argentina, France, Russia, Ukraine, Ethiopia, Czech Republic, Japan, Haiti, and Hungary.
We believe in observing and in providing a platform for others to fulfill HaShem's mitzvot of:
Returning to the heart of Avinu Malkeinu, our Father our King and to His Torah.
Standing with Israel and teaching any group or organization of the dangers of anti-semitism.
Blessing the children of Avraham. Bereshit 12:1-3.
Making Aliyah to Eretz Israel, the land of Israel.
You can partner with us to bring love and hope to Jewish people worldwide with monthly and one-time donations. Click on the partner tab.